Health and Wellness Trends for 2019

2018 brought some pretty oddball health and wellness trends -- and there won’t be any slowing down in 2019. We asked industry leaders to forecast all the trends health nuts and exercise fanatics will be obsessed with in the coming year -- here’s a look at their expert insight.  

Goodbye 60-Minute Workouts

“Long grueling workouts are getting a shake-up as smart technology hits the personal training and group fitness scene. Artificial intelligence and adaptive resistance tech provide perfectly dosed workouts for individuals to achieve maximum strength and cardio results in far less time. While 60-minute sessions won’t disappear, efficient, data-driven, technology-enhanced workouts will become a staple of any well-rounded fitness routine.

Amanda McVey, Vice President of Experience and Programming at Upgrade Labs

Wearable Technology Tells You When to Chill Out


“For so long wearables reminded individuals to get up, take steps, and track workouts; however, wearables are now driving home the value of quality sleep, heart rate variability, and the need for recovery. This is because rest is as important to achieving health and fitness goals as is the burn. While wearables will always remind individuals to get moving, they’ll also increasingly remind individuals when it’s time to slow down.

Amanda McVey, Vice President of Experience and Programming at Upgrade Labs

Vegan Proteins Get Diverse

“Once upon a time vegan protein meant soy. Then soy fell out of favor over health concerns, and pea and rice moved in to fill the gap. But as Meatless Mondays and plant-based diets have increasingly moved into the mainstream, the demand for better tasting, more diverse proteins is finally being met with a much bigger range of options. Look for protein from pumpkin, watermelon seeds, chia, almonds, algae, and more. You are also likely to see some of these offerings competing as dairy and baking flour alternatives.“

Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS, and the Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at Thorne Research

The Hemp Revolution


“The 2018 Farm Bill was signed into law in December 2018 and with it came the full legalization of US hemp growing, processing, and commerce. While hemp has been available in small quantities as an import or under experimental state licenses, it was very limited because it remained a Schedule 1 Controlled Substance in the eyes of the federal government – the same category as LSD and heroin. With the legal path clear hemp farming – and thus products made from hemp – is predicted to boom. Expect to see more hemp foods, hemp infused beverages (waters, teas, beer -- it’s a cousin to hops after all!), hemp oils and tinctures, hemp body care, hemp clothing, and even sustainable packaging made out of hemp fiber.

Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS, and the Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at Thorne Research

Nothing to Hide

“Consumers are increasingly interested not only in what makes up a food, supplement, or body care product, but they want full visibility and transparency. Companies are starting to provide a bigger window into the quality, origins, environmental impact, and sustainability of their ingredients and we should expect the demand for this to grow. In addition to the information that companies will share directly with consumers, expect more independent apps and websites that rate, rank, and compare products based on these insights.

Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS, and the Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at Thorne Research

RELATED: How to Set Yourself Up for Fitness Success in the New Year

The Laboratory Comes to Your House

“Home DNA testing exploded last year and really opened the door for a huge range of other lab tests coming directly to consumers. As people get more comfortable poking, swabbing, scraping, and more to provide various bodily samples from their own home, testing companies are responding with a sophisticated set of offerings to tell you about hormones, heart health, gut health/microbiome, nutritional status, toxic burden, stress response, and sleep patterns. They are also supporting customers with personalized diets, supplement programs, exercise routines, and more.

Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS, and the Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at Thorne Research

Digestive Health Grows Up


“Digestive health is getting a sophisticated and sexy makeover in 2019. As the science of the microbiome (that vast array of microorganisms living in your gut and almost everywhere else) has recently exploded, popular interest into how to manipulate these microbes to our benefit has followed right behind. Expect the already growing offering of probiotic and fermented products and foods to get much more specific and diverse. Offerings will touch nearly every area of health from digestion to mood, via the microbiome. Along with this, we will see a renewed awareness of the importance of absorption, gut inflammation, gut immunity, and the gut-brain connection.

Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS, and the Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at Thorne Research

High-Tech Recovery

“Anyone into fitness knows how important recovery is. I love the array of high-tech devices that are popping up all over, are accessible, and easy to use. With the proper instructions, these can be a much-needed form of therapy you can do in the comfort of your own home. These devices run the gamut from electrical stimulation to heat therapy, stretching devices, and more.

Dr. Janine Delaney, psychologist and wellness coach

Stretching Goes Commercial


“Need to recover from that new HIIT class you enrolled in for the new year? Yoga isn’t your thing? You can now pay someone to stretch you out. Stretching has many known benefits from increased mobility and flexibility, to improved performance, better posture, and stress relief. Sure, you can do this at home, but now you can go to a specialized studio and get a professional to provide you with a customized one-on-one facilitated stretch to optimize your benefits. Look for this as the newest offering at your gym or at one of the many franchises that are popping up around the country.

Jacqueline Jacques, ND, FTOS, and the Senior Vice President of Medical Affairs at Thorne Research

An End to Plastic in Packaging?

“As part of the sustainability movement, people are thinking differently about plastic. Experts predict that bio-based packaging materials will be a key element in the next generation of responsible packaging. In 2019 we should also see improved access to recycling and more incentives for people to recycle packaging.

Elizabeth Somer, registered dietitian and author of "Eat Your Way to Sexy"

Shake the Sugar


"Sugar has been on the hot seat for a few years now. In 2019 you will see a stronger emphasis on added sugar. According to the USDA Americans are averaging about 28 teaspoons of added sugar every day -- that’s 440 empty calories a day. It’s obvious that Frosted Flakes, soft drinks, and jelly beans have sugar, but a whole bunch of sugar in American diets comes from processed foods that aren’t even sweet like canned chili, pizza, peanut butter, and bread.

Elizabeth Somer, registered dietitian and author of "Eat Your Way to Sexy"

Fasting and Cellular Regeneration

“In 2018 we saw a rise in the interest of intermittent fasting. In 2019, this interest will expand to fasting in general as it relates to cellular regeneration and longevity. When our body is in a fasted state, it starts the process of autophagy or cellular clean-up. People have been fasting for decades, but it’s only recently that its benefits have been recognized on a more public level. For those who prefer not to sustain a traditional water fast, companies like Prolon FMD have developed medically backed fast mimicking diets that are safe and effective at producing the same regenerative benefits as a traditional fast.

Dr. Janine Delaney, psychologist and wellness coach

Wellness Readily Available to Everyone

“I can’t help but notice the growing aisles of supplements in my local convenience store. More and more people will have access to these items, which were previously only available to those in higher income brackets.

Dr. Janine Delaney, psychologist and wellness coach

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