Cardio Exercises For Guys That Hate Running

You’re standing in front of the mirror searching for any signal that says you’re getting leaner. Instead, you’re likely grabbing at that those extra few pounds that have gathered around your lower abdomen thinking about running a distance you’re already dreading. Because, well, cardio workouts tend to suck.

It’s OK if you hate running. Lots of people do. You’ve given yourself all sorts of reasons why running just isn’t for you. It’s cold. Your knees hurt. The concrete roads are too hard on your joints. The park with that beautiful running trail is too far. The treadmill is an unspeakable torture device designed by an unknown evil dictator.

Guess what? You don’t need to run to get lean or lose weight.

When people want to lose weight the firs thing they do is run, says Barry’s Bootcamp trainer Rebecca Kennedy, creator of A.C.C.E.S.S., a 60-minute barefoot programme built on developing balance and flexibility. “But if you’re looking for gains, you want to build muscle, you don’t want to run. It’s time-consuming, it’s tedious, it’s boring and a lot of people don’t know how to create a good enjoyable treadmill run. If you can’t find a way to make it enjoyable you’re not going to stick with it.

Long, steady cardio-based workouts are not the only way to lose weight effectively. From high intensity interval training (HIIT workouts), to kettlebell work, there are tons of ways to cut fat and build muscle while improving your anaerobic capacity without having to log a single run on your activity app.

“No one has to run if they don’t want to, Kennedy says.

In fact, here’s 19 bodyweight moves that will shred fact without you having run a single step. For each of these exercises, try performing for 30 to 60-second intervals.

Jumping Jacks

How to do it: It may make you feel like you’re back in your grade school gym class but jumping jacks, are one of the most back-to-basics cardio exercises that increase your heart rate and boost metabolism. From a standing position, jump your feet out, shoulder-width apart, while clapping your hands above your head. Then jump your feet back together while returning your hands to your side.

Squat Jacks

How to do it: Set up in a squat position. Feet hip-width apart and sit deep enough that your butt is as close to 90 degrees as possible while keep your upper body upright. Jump your feet out further than shoulder-width apart and then jump your feet back to hip-width apart and repeat.

Plank Jacks

How to do it: Start in a traditional plank position, keeping your shoulders, hips and feet on a parallel plane. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders. Keeping your abs tight and engaged the entire time, jump your legs wide open and then back together. Keep your hips down and upper body as stable as possible.

High Knees

How to do it: Simply start from an upright position and run in place, lifting your knees as high as possible and at least hip height. Land on the balls of your feet with each step and be careful to avoid leaning back while lifting your knees. Remember, the faster you perform this exercise the more intensity and effectiveness you can add.

Mountain Climbers

How to do it: From a push-up position, alternate bringing your knees to your chest, pushing off the balls of your feet. Just like a plank, keep your upper body as stable as possible avoid allowing your hips to rise toward the ceiling. This exercise mainly targets your abs but benefits your legs, glutes and back while also spiking your heart rate. Try performing sets of 30 seconds each.

Criss-Cross Mountain Climbers

How to do it: Start in a push-up position and bring your right knee as close as possible to touching your left elbow. Then return to the balls of your feet and bring your left knee to your right elbow and alternate.

Squat Jumps

How to do it: Squat jumps are an explosive plyometric exercise that help build power. Squat down in a standard squat position, feet shoulder-width apart and sitting to until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Then quickly explode up and jump in the air. Land with softly with slightly bended needs. For increased intensity return right back into the squat position each time.

Two-Foot Lateral Hops

How to do it: Using a speed ladder, hurdles or even an imaginary line, get into a squat position and push upward and sideways to jump to the other side. Repeat this movement going back and forth. Keep your shoulders and hips facing forward. Try this for 30-second intervals.

Ski Hops

How to do it: Start in a squat position, but this time keep both feet together. Keep the weight on your heels. Perform a squat jump, but instead of simply jumping straight up, you’ll want to jump from side-to-side, landing on both feet each time. To add difficulty, add a hurdle or box to jump over.

Tuck Jumps

How to do it: Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and jump straight up, pulling your knees as close to your chest as possible and landing softly on your toes. Try to land softly to avoid excess pressure on your knees. This plyometric movement will be tough to keep for 30 or more seconds so make sure to steady yourself, if needed, before each jump.

Star Jumps

How to do it: This is an advanced version of jumping jacks. Start standing position with your knees slightly bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Jumping as high as you can, extend your arms and legs out at the same time in mid-air to create a star shape. Try to perform this exercise on a flat, and preferably, soft surface like a mat or grass.

Jump Rope

How to do it: Get yourself a jump rope from a local sporting goods store. Make sure it’s long enough that the handles can reach your shoulders while your standing on the middle of the rope. Then have at it. Try to keep your torso as upright as possible and your hands at waist-level. If you want to increase the difficulty and intensity, try performing double-unders, where the rope passes under your feet two times with each jump.


How to do it: Froggers are a beastly plyometric exercise that works your core, shoulders and hips. Begin in the push-up position. Jump your feet up to the outside of your hands on the floor. Then jump your feet back into the original push-up position.

Donkey Kicks

How to do it: Start on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees stacked under your hips. Lift your right knee up, keeping it at a 90-degree angle, until your knee reaches hip level. Make sure to keep your core tight through the movement. Repeat for the time allotted and then switch legs.


How to do it: Start standing up with your feet shoulder width apart. Drop into a squat position and then lower your hands onto the floor between your legs. Shoot your feet back until you are in a plank/push-up position. You can either perform a push-up or simply jump your feet back outside your hands and jump straight up with your hands extended in the air. If that any of that feels too easy, you can turn your regular jump into a tuck jump.

Split Jumps

How to do it: Begin in a lunge position with one foot forward, knee bent at 90 degrees, making sure the knee doesn’t protrude over your toes, and the rear knee also bent and nearly touching the ground. Jump explosively straight up and switch legs, landing softly while switching legs so that the opposite foot is now in front. If this becomes too difficult in the time allotted, scale down by switching to alternating lunges without the jump.

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