Ways To Avoid Weight Gain

Let’s be honest, you’re going to enjoy yourself over the next few weeks, aren't you? Quite right, too. Tis the season for indulgence, but that doesn’t mean that you have to have to completely give up on your gut-busting goals.

The following tips will help you maintain your healthy and active lifestyle, as best as possible, so you avoid the dreaded Christmas stuffing.

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Earn Your Cheat Meals

I’ll say this time and time again, because it must be stated: You’re only as good as the work that you put in. Don’t forget about the activities that got you in shape in the first place. If you’re a cyclist, keep biking. If you’re a runner, keep running. If you love weight lifting, make sure you’re hitting the gym. For every Christmas party you attend, make sure you spend 45 minutes to an hour in the gym, or doing your favourite fitness activity.

Recruit A Gym Buddy

Next year will be full of those “New Year, New Me kinds of people. Use it to your advantage. Know someone who wants to work out? Is Bob from marketing always talking about how he’s going to hit the gym? Great! Hold him to it. There’s nothing wrong with finding inspiration in new energy. Not only will you have someone to keep you company during your workouts, but you may end up creating an accountability partner.

Fibre Not Fried

By now we know fried food is bad for you. Stay away from it at all cost. There’s no better way to negate, or prevent your progress than to down some of Kentucky's finest. Avoiding fried food is also a great way to limit prostate cancer, diabetes and strokes. Instead, favour whole, unprocessed foods and include foods that are rich in fibre into your diet, specifically, more produce, whole grains, legumes. You’ll avoid those between meal cravings and have more sustained energy throughout the day.

RELATED: 50 Muscle-Building Foods

Mix Up Your Workouts

Getting shape is as equally tricky as it is challenging. Make a point to diversify your workout routine during the holidays. Gyms will definitely be empty, but because they still have a business to run, many of their classes and trainers will still be available. Hop in on a new class. Go for a run, hit the pool, take a long, hung-over walk. All of these workouts can help you stay motivated into the new year, and may even become a part of your routine down in the future. Always look to make progress and keep your body and mind engaged with new workouts.

Take Some Quiet Time To Yourself

Getting in shape is as much of a physical journey as it is a mental and even spiritual one. You’re crafting a new person. For as much intensity and discipline as this takes, it’s equally important to ease the mind and reignite the spirit through meditation. The Headspace app is a good place to start. It’s unwise to believe that you will maintain a high level of focus and intensity doing the same thing over and over again. Take a minute to reconnect and centre yourself. On a daily basis we are focusing on external forces. You deserve a moment to empty your mind of distractions. Take a minute now, during the break, while things are slow.

Become A Road Warrior

The holidays means travelling. That means you're away from your local gym or your regular routine. Great! Go exploring. Take a long walk to somewhere you’ve never been or seen. Stuck in a hotel, great. Download the Nike Training Club App, or hit youtube for a visual workout playlist. Either way, don’t let traveling be your excuse to skip workouts. If you have a floor, you have a gym. Get a workout in, the best way you can

Find A Challenge

So how many push-ups can you do in 30 minutes? How many can you do in 30 days? How many miles can you run in a month? Competition is a great way to stay motivated and give yourself a goal for the new year. If you’re not already in a workout/training group, join one. Don’t have the time to commit? Start a workout challenge, to keep yourself and your friends motivated. There’s no losers when you compete to get better, only winners.


Via : https://yogawithmissbecca.blogspot.com


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