What Is The Best Weight Loss Diet Plan? (Here’s The Truth)
Do you want to know what the best weight loss diet plan is? I do not blame you.
After all, if you do the “best” thing, you’ll get the “best” results.
And when it comes to a goal like losing weight… everyone wants the best results.
So, it makes perfect sense that you’d want to know which weight loss diet is the best one of them all.
As it turns out, there are actually two accurate answers to this question, and I’m going to give you both of them right here in this very article.
I do have one warning, though. This first answer will probably annoy the crap out of you…
There Is No “Best” Diet Plan
There it is. My annoying, frustrating, last-thing-you-wanted-to-hear answer.
It’s the kind of answer that makes people think “ugh, screw this guy… I’m going back to Google to find the answer I need.”
that is unfortunate, because this is the answer you truly need.
Like it or not, there is not a single diet plan in existence that is universally ideal for everyone.
And I know you’ve heard differently.
I know you’ve heard people claim that one specific weight loss diet is in fact superior to all the others. For example…
- Low Carb
- Keto
- Low Fat
- Paleo
- Intermittent Fasting
- Gluten-Free
- Vegan/Vegetarian
- Clean Eating
- Flexible Dieting
- No Sugar
- Weight Watchers
- Mediterranean
- Atkins
- And 1000 others.
Search around and you’ll find proponents of every single one of these diets claiming that theirs is better than all the rest. Not just for them, of course… but for you, me, and everyone else on the planet.
They’ll show you studies that back up their claims (while conveniently ignoring the ones that disprove them), make tons of arguments that are in favor of their approach (while ignoring every argument against it), and provide you with countless stories, pictures and personal anecdotes as proof that what they say is true (while ignoring the fact that every other diet has similar forms of “proof” behind it, too).
And as nice as it would be if things were legitimately that black and white…
And as satisfying as it would be to receive a quick and definitive answer to your “what diet plan is the best?” question…
And as simple as everything would be if there was indeed one weight loss diet that was guaranteed to work better, faster or easier for all of us…
The reality is that it’s never actually true.
But Why?
Why is this, you ask? It’s because we are all different.
- We have different dietary needs.
- Different dietary preferences.
- Different lifestyles.
- Different schedules.
- Different habits.
- Different starting points.
- Different short-term and long-term goals.
- And so on.
And no one diet could possibly be “best” for everyone with this many variables at play.
The Fundamentals Of Weight Loss Are Always The Same, But…
Now, do not misunderstand me here. The fundamental principles of what’s required and ideal for weight loss will always be the same for everyone.
For example, we all need a caloric deficit in order for fat to be lost, and we all benefit significantly from eating a sufficient amount of protein.
These are universal truths, and they apply to all of us. Yes, even if idiots misinformed people claim otherwise.
But… here’s the thing.
There are tons of different ways to put these fundamental principles into action, and tons of different ways to fill in the remaining dietary details. This matters, because some of those ways will make a person more likely to consistently put those fundamentals into action and sustain it long-term, while others will have the opposite effect.
And THAT fact brings us to the second answer to the original question.
Because while there is no such thing as a diet that is best for everyone… there is definitely a diet that is best for you.
The “Best Diet” Is The One that is Best For YOU
What I mean is…
Your goal is to simply find what that is and do it, while simultaneously ignoring all of the noise from everyone else who’s trying to pass off their “best diet” onto the rest of us.
But wait, I know what you’re probably thinking now.
“Figuring all of that out seems hard, complicated and time consuming.”
Yeah, I could see why you’d think that. But honestly? While there will always be some experimenting involved to get everything just right, the truth is that it’s surprisingly easy to get most of it right from the very beginning.
Here’s how…
6 Characteristics Of The Best Weight Loss Diet
- The Right Calorie Intake
Your ideal diet needs to involve consuming an amount of calories that puts you into a caloric deficit. This is the sole cause and requirement of fat loss, so it must occur one way or another. Some diets do it indirectly, where you make some non-calorie-based change to your diet (e.g. avoid certain foods/food groups) that results in fewer calories being eaten. The low carb diet is a perfect example of this (it’s not eating fewer carbs that makes it work, it’s the fact that eating fewer carbs = eating fewer calories). Other diets do it directly, where you determine how many calories you need to eat per day for a deficit to exist, and then design everything else around that. My Superior Fat Loss program is a perfect example of this, and it is (for many reasons covered in the book) my preferred way of doing it. But, I still get that there are certain people who prefer using an indirect method to create their deficit instead. And you know what? that is fine by me. So, feel free to do what suits you best. As long as a consistent deficit ends up existing, it will work. - The Right Rate Of Progress
Your ideal diet and, more specifically, the deficit it creates, should be designed to produce a rate of weight loss that is realistic, healthy, sustainable and acceptable for you based on your starting point, goals, needs and preferences. If that means losing a little faster, cool. If that means losing a little slower, cool. If that means losing at a rate that is somewhere in the middle, cool. Whatever suits you best. - The Right Protein Intake
Your ideal diet should involve consuming an amount of protein each day that maximizes its weight loss related benefits (i.e. preventing muscle loss, supporting muscle growth, controlling hunger, increasing your metabolism, etc.). The specific food sources you eat to reach that ideal protein intake are entirely up to you. Choose mostly higher quality sources you enjoy and don’t have any issues digesting. - The Right Amount Of Carbs And Fat
Your ideal diet should involve consuming an amount of carbs and fat that A) is never excessively/detrimentally low in either case, and B) fits your personal preferences. As long “A” is taken care of, you can quite much feel free to make your exact ratio of carbs/fat whatever the hell you want it to be. With total calories and protein being what they need to be, it’s not going to matter (sources here, here and here). So, if you prefer a higher or lower carb intake, or a higher or lower fat intake, or something somewhere in the middle (like I usually do), that is fine. Do whatever suits you best. And just like with protein, get your carbs and fat from mostly higher quality nutrient-dense food sources you enjoy and don’t have any issues digesting. - The Right Meal Frequency, Eating Style, Food Choices And Diet Organization
You ideal diet should involve putting all of the above together in whatever manner is most PECS for you, thus greatly increasing your likelihood of adhering to the first four items on this list. If that means eating 3 meals a day, or 4 meals, or 5 meals, or 6 meals, or whatever else, that is fine. If that means eating less during the first half of the day and eating more during the second half (or vice versa), or spreading everything out evenly over the course of the day, that is fine. If that means eating certain foods and avoiding others, that is fine. If that means eating “clean” 100% of the time or eating “clean” most of the time and allowing a small portion of your diet to come from the fun junky stuff, that is fine. Do whatever suits you best. - The Right Amount Of Strictness And Flexibility
Your ideal diet should be as strict or flexible as you need it to be. Some people do better with a more rigid setup, with more meals planned out in advance, with more uniformity from one day to the next, with stricter tracking and less room to stray from the chosen setup. Others do better with more flexibility and variety. And others find their sweet spot to be somewhere in the middle. You should do whatever suits you best.
Additional Characteristics
In addition, the best weight loss diet for you will also avoid all of the following…
- Quick fixes.
- Silly gimmicks.
- Stupid fads.
- Bullshit products.
- Unproven/disproven nonsense.
- Unrealistic expectations.
- Unnecessary rules.
- Excessive restrictions.
- Annoying approaches.
- Unhealthy methods.
- Excessively large deficits.
- Doing things without learning or understanding the reasoning behind it or the purpose for it.
- Doing things that lack any legitimate reasoning or purpose at all.
- Being forced to eat in a manner that goes against your personal dietary needs and preferences.
- Being forced to do things that just aren’t as preferable, enjoyable, convenient or sustainable (PECS!) for you as they could/should be.
This Is What’s Truly “Best”
So, what is the best weight loss diet plan?
That depends.
For everyone? There is no such thing.
Never has been, never will be.
For you specifically? It’s the diet plan that suits you best.
Not me. Not your friend. Not your spouse. Not your gym buddy. Not some diet guru. Not some random person on the internet who really wants you to know how right their diet is for them and how equally right they incorrectly assume it is for everyone else.
That stuff does not matter.
What matters for weight loss is putting the fundamental principles into action and consistently sustaining it, and the key to making the second part of that equation happen is designing everything around what is most ideal for you and you alone.
As long as you’re doing that, you’re guaranteed to be using the best diet.
(By the way, if you need any help with this, I created a program that will walk you through this entire process step-by-step. All of the fundamental principles are explained, specific recommendations are given for the most effective ways to adjust and implement those principles, and most importantly of all, you’ll learn exactly how to put everything together in the most PECS way possible for YOU. Feel free to check it out: Superior Fat Loss)
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Via : https://yogawithmissbecca.blogspot.com
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