Chocolate layered overnight oats with berries

Oats are the perfect breakfast for the cooler days of the year. Prepared either as a warm porridge or as a to-go snack, oats are a wonderful, nutritious and affordable breakfast that you can customize depending on seasons so that it doesn’t become boring.

Another easy breakfast favorite: Avocado and Egg Open-Faced Sandwich with Roasted Tomatoes

Oats are also very potent in their nutritional value. They are packed with insoluble fiber which is a nutrient we tend to be very deficient in in our modern diets. Because of that they burn more slowly during the day and give us a balanced level of energy. A well prepared porridge is a source of good protein, complex carbs and a lot of minerals like manganese, copper, phosphorus, molybdenum and vitamin B1. 

What’s important about preparing oats is the process of soaking, which makes them much easier to digest and absorb these minerals. That’s why making soaking a habit is a crucial step when introducing oat porridge into your diet. 

What I really love about oats is that they are a cheap yet nutrient-dense food that can be customized in endless ways. Sometimes I also make a savory version with cheese and herbs and in summer I top heavily with fresh fruit. It is totally up to you to create your own favorite version and try all the nutritious and fun toppings like cacao nibs, seeds, nuts, vanilla, coconut chips, dried fruit, nut and seed butters or other super foods. It is your jar, make it a real treat!

Another great oat based, grab & go breakfast recipe: Healthy breakfast bars recipe: Banana Oat Bars

Type: breakfast, vegetarian
Prep time: 10 min
Cook time: 10 min
Serves: 1 

1 cup rolled oats
1 banana
2 tsp raw honey
2 tsp cacao powder
pinch of salt
1 handful of frozen berries
optional bee pollen for sprinkling

1. Soak oats in lukewarm water overnight.
2. The next day, rinse well and separate into two small bowls.
3. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and a pinch of salt into each bowl.
4. Add cacao powder to one bowl and stir both well.
4. Put the light part in a jar that is comfortable for you to take away to school or work. Add a layer of banana slices and a bit of berries. Top with the chocolate layer and add more banana slices, berries and sprinkle with bee pollen.
5. Cover with the lid and enjoy during your day.

Use whatever fruit you have in store. Wonderful seasonal options are kiwi, citrus, apples, pears.
If you are serving your children you can sub the cacao powder for carob, vanilla or cinnamon.

What are your favorite oat combos?

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