9 Minute Oblique Workout: An at Home Ab Workout with Exercises for Love Handles

These obliques exercises are combined with intervals of cardio moves that also target the oblique and abs muscles to help you burn calories while you firm your sides.

This ab routine counts as both an internal and external oblique workout, though it should be noted that total body strength training and cardio are the best exercises for love handles. If you would like to watch video version of this program instead of just going off of text, you can also check out this. Check out Fitness Blender workouts for more options for both printable routines and a wide range of full length workout videos. (Original printable routine below)

How to do this routine
Do each move for 1 minute; you may not be able to complete a full minute of each component of the program- stop briefly when necessary and return to the move ASAP to finish out the whole minute. Give yourself 10-20 seconds rest between each of the obliques exercises. Make sure and choose a level of difficulty of each movement that you can execute properly (notice the different levels of intensity of any given exercise on the right side of the videos).

Jumping Oblique Twist

Pilates Side Hip Raise - 30 seconds on each side

Russian Twist

Crossover Lunge - Alternate stepping forward with left and right

Pilates Oblique Crunch with Leg Raise - 30 seconds on each side

Windshield Wipers

High Knees

Back Bow Crossover

Crisscross Crunch


Complete the entire series at least twice (roughly 20 minutes); for best results from these exercises for love handles, do the entire thing three times through.

Note: Obliques exercises alone will not get rid of love handles. An overall reduction in body fat is necessary in order to lose love handles; the cardio intervals in this at home ab routine can help with that, but a change towards healthier eating habits is also a necessity.

Each time that you run through this at home ab routine, you burn roughly 100 calories (depending on many factors such as your weight, gender, muscle mass and metabolism). Doing the routine 3 times can burn up to 300 calories.

Obliques exercises are great for athletes, especially golfers, baseball players and boxers as it builds strength around the twisting of the torso that is so essential to all of those sports.

Via : https://yogawithmissbecca.blogspot.com


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