How to Do Cardio Workouts at Home with No Equipment

Living in Northwest Washington, I understand the frustration of having few options aside from the gym when the weather’s got you stuck indoors. That’s where home cardio workouts can become a liberator in terms of being spared gym boredom and monotony.

Sure the gym’s an easy enough option when it’s nasty outside, but don’t you ever just (with every bone in your body) not want to haul off to the gym? It’s not that hard of a thing to understand really, I mean it’s not always an appealing thought to unfailingly take the time to drive to the gym, change clothes, and hop on a treadmill to get in a daily dose of cardio, especially if you don’t like feeling like a hamster on a wheel.

Aside from being convenient, cardio workouts at home with no equipment are free; you don’t need a gym membership or anything else.

If you work at home on the computer or in a cubicle in an otherwise completely sedentary job (which can be a near death sentence to your cardiovascular health unless you are extremely proactive), cardio workouts that are meant for home can be a great way to work exercise into your busy schedule when your resources are otherwise limited.

How to Raise your Heart Rate at Home with no Equipment
• Turn on some music and dance like a fool (it burns lots of calories and provides allover toning)
• Watch one of our free full length workout videos
Great example: our 17 minute cardio video

 Fitness Blender routines are anywhere from 3 and 90 minutes long. One reason that they aren’t all 1 hour home cardio workouts is to keep them convenient; no one, no matter how busy they are, can say that they don’t have an extra 15 minutes somewhere in their schedule. I know it’s harsh but if you have to, sacrifice your morning cartoons in order to get in just one round of these home routines.

The other reason why short routines can be beneficial is so that the person doing them can do them more than once a day, resulting in several different metabolism boosts, which ends up burning more calories than a full one hour session and arguably improving overall cardiovascular health more effectively than one long workout.

On the days where you just can’t convince yourself to make it into the gym, the above programs will more than get the job done. Just don’t forget about a strength training regime; your body will burn calories even faster with higher muscle content. To a great extent, you can use your bodyweight as a strength training tool, as well.

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