At What Age Does Your Metabolism Slow Down? How to Keep Your Metabolism Fast
Nearly everyone at some point has been told to "just wait", to see what happens to their bodyweight, metabolism, fitness, flexibility, body fat percentage once they hit a certain age.
In a vastly oversimplified, quick explanation; your body operates off of a "use it or lose it" principle. If you don't use your muscles, your muscle mass will diminish, which will in turn slowly lower your metabolism over the years. So if you don't put in the effort to stay active and maintain that muscle mass, it will inevitably become much harder to stay at a healthy body weight.
While this initially might seem a bit depressing, it shouldn't be. What you should take from the video above is that you are not completely helpless when it comes to influencing the way your body looks and feels. The decisions that you make on a daily basis (particularly the foods that you choose to fuel yourself and the exercise that you do or don't commit to each day) are enormously powerful in how they can positively affect your body.
The most important thing that we want you to take from this video is that you should always maintain responsibility for your body. Yes, time gets to all of us in the end and someday, if we're lucky, we'll all be wrinkly, softer, and a bit less inclined to want to do HIIT workouts. Hormones will change and joints may require less impact, healing rates might slow and energy levels might waiver, among a hundred other variables, but don't think that you are ever without the power to better your situation or your health. Your choices matter and they go a long ways towards the way that you feel on a day to day basis, so don't put your locus of control on something that you have no impact on - something vague like "metabolism" that might just be significantly affected by your choices after all.
How to get or keep a fast metabolism
- Do consistent strength training
- Add HIIT or tabata style intervals to your cardio training
- Implement multiple training styles (we've got you covered)
- Don't wait to start, maintain an active lifestyle
- Try to avoid long breaks in activity
- Eat clean and eat often - try to avoid long periods without at least a snack
- Avoid crash/severe/starvation diets
- Don't be afraid of carbohydrates - All three macronutrients are important for good health and good energy
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